Your Guide to Must-Have Search & Rescue Equipment

Search and rescue is never a fun thing to do. We could easily get into this situation where a friend, neighbour or colleague needs our help, and we should be ready to assist as best as we can. This activity requires some equipment, such as search flashlights, good boots, a first aid kit and a way to navigate. All of these are tools that will make your task much easier and help you move faster and in an efficient manner.

Strong Torch

Olight marauder mini flashlight

The search torch is one of the most important pieces of equipment when it comes to your search and rescue kit. These torches are also convenient for camping, hunting and even night security. But before buying one there are a few things you should consider. The first one is brightness level. This feature is measured in lumens.

The more lumens the searchlight has, the brighter it is. This depends on the conditions you’ll be performing under. There are plenty of powerful search lights to choose from. As technology advances so do these devices. Nowadays, they can go to a lumen power of 14,000 lumens, which is very impressive.

On average, for a search and rescue kit, you’ll need a torch with a rating of at least 500-1000 lumens. The beam, focus and pattern are also key factors that determine the flashlight’s power. Always go for torches with long battery life. This will make sure you have light for an extended period of time. The battery life depends on the brightness, functions and features.

If a flashlight has a lot of extra functions and a high lumen rating, its battery life will be shorter and vice versa. The beam pattern is also a thing to consider. There are 3 main patterns. A flood beam is wide and will brighten up a large area close by. A spot beam is narrow and focused and can throw light at a longer distance. Some torches have an adjustable focus which can be pretty useful in S&R situations.

The ideal weight and dimension for your searchlight will vary based on your requirements and preferences. It should be just the right amount of weight to carry comfortably, without being so lightweight as to be fragile or easily breakable. On average it should weigh 200-300g. The newer models also have an ergonomic design, so your hand doesn’t get tired carrying it around.

Comfortable Hiking Boots

hiking boots

When walking on rough terrain, you’ll need the best boots possible to keep your feet safe and comfortable. Hiking boots are the best choice you can make. There are 3 main types of hiking boots. Low-cut hiking shoes with a flexible midsole are very common and popular. They’re excellent for extended walks like S&R.

There are also day hiking boots that can be high or mid-cut. They’re good for a less rough terrain and a shorter search. But the toughest of them all are backpacking boots. They’re perfect for any trail. They provide a lot of foot and body support, are very durable and have a firmer midsole.

All of these boots are made of sturdy and durable materials, with the leading one being leather. Full-grain leather is extremely resilient to wear and tear and water. Although it’s not as breathable and light as other materials, it works well on rugged terrain. If you want a lightweight boot, get one made of nylon and split-grain leather.

Boot manufacturers also use man-made materials including nylon, polyester, and synthetic leather. They dry quickly, are more reasonably priced, lightweight, and easier to break in. The only con is that they can get damaged faster. Always get the right fit. Make sure the boots aren’t too tight or too loose. This can cause you many problems such as irritations, and blisters and even make you bleed.

Visual & Sound Signals

Visual and sound signals are a must-have item for every S&R party. They’re as important as search lights. Flare guns are just one way to send a visual signal. Always make sure the flares are functional because they have an expiration date. They’re very practical because they’re visible during the day or at night. So, if you find something you can signal the rest of the crew at any time.

Be cautious when dealing with flare guns. They have the potential to create intense heat and cause injury, and fires. When you want to use it, go to a clearing with few trees if you can, point it skyward, maintain a steady hand, and fire. Always follow the instructions of the manufacturer for your own and the public safety.

You can also try sending an SOS signal with a flashlight if you have one. You just need to be familiar with the SOS Morse code. This means 3 quick flashes, 3 slow flashes and 3 quick again. This can work on your phone as well. Some even have an SOS option you can activate. Sounds are also an option. Things like whistles and horns can be heard at a long distance. You can use them during the day and at night and attract the attention to the rest of the people in the S&R group.

Complete First Aid Kit

first aid kit

A first aid kit is a must when you’re doing an S&R. But you also need to be familiar with its contents and know how to use it. They come in many sizes. Some are premade, but you can also create one on your own. Their size varies from a kit for one person to a kit for a group of people. It’s always a better idea to have a bigger supply of medical items.

These kits include bandages, gauzes, pain medication, adhesive tape, scissors, creams, gloves, tweezers, thermometers, antiseptics and much more. Some of them even have a medical card so you can track the person’s health until the medical personnel takes over. This way you can help them diagnose the person and help them faster.

Reliable Navigation

Not every S&R will be on a familiar terrain. Oftentimes you’ll need to look in unknown territory. That’s why you should always have reliable navigation with you. Knowing where you’re going, where you have been and how to return safely is of great importance. In case you walk away from the group, you need a way to get back.

Learn how to read a topographic map and bring one with you from the area you’re walking on. Invest in a compass to simplify your search. It’s lightweight and works without batteries. You have the ideal escape path when you combine it with the map. A GPS device will be very useful as well. You’ll see the exact location of where you are. Just keep an eye on the battery because the device might shut down.

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