Convenient and Nutritious: A Comprehensive Look at MRE Meals for Camping

What Is MRE Food?

MRE stands for Meal, Ready-to-eat food which is a fully prepared meal, designed to provide you with all the needed energy. This food is pretty convenient and perfect for getting all the nutrients when in the great outdoors and traditional cooking isn’t the best option. While in the beginning, MRE’s food was mainly used by the military, nowadays, more and more people use it when hiking and camping due to their convenience, ease of use and long shelf-life. Each type of this food contains all the needed nutrients and products that can keep you full and satisfied.

This food dates back to the early 1980s when the US military started looking for a better solution and replacement for their military rations that required cooking and preparing food which was time-consuming especially when in the field. The appearance of this handy and easy-to-prepare food certainly made their lives easier. The choice of such food these days is huge, ranging in type, size and flavour, meeting different tastes and needs.


Woman holding a MRE pack

A Great Source of Vitamins and Minerals

The first and most important thing you should know is that MRE’s are a great source of vitamins and minerals. This type of food works in favour of our body and helps it to obtain just the needed amount of vitamins and minerals that can keep your body energised and healthy.

When camping or hiking, instead of stocking up on junk food that can fill you up with empty calories and nothing nutritious, you should consider the idea of bringing this ready-to-eat type of food. Unlike chips, croissants, white bread and some other snacks and food varieties, this easy-to-prepare food won’t fail to stock your body with all the needed nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Improve Metabolism and Fat-Burning

This ready-to-consume food will also provide your body with all the needed nutrients that will improve your metabolism and fuel your molecules to produce more energy. All of this will keep your well-being and will provide you with all the needed energy that will help you endure throughout the day. When choosing ready-to-eat food that’s high in protein, you’ll also help your body burn more calories per day.

Prevent Ketosis

When not eating enough when camping or hiking, your body will start using amino acids to provide itself with energy. That’s because the carbohydrates in your body are probably low and exhausted and the body isn’t able to produce energy. Thankfully to meal, ready-to-eat food, you’ll be able to provide your body with the needed dose of carbohydrates which can provide the body with the needed energy. This will prevent your body from converting proteins to amino acids in order to become the main source of energy and prevent the occurrence of ketosis.

Improved Dietary Fibre Consumption

Just like regular food and traditional meals, this one can also contain larger volumes of dietary fibres, cellulose, cellulose, pectin and mucilage. All of these fibres are essential for normal body functioning. This food will provide your body with soluble dietary fibre that won’t go through the digestion process. As a result, these fibres form the basis for having suitable intestinal health.

Portable and Convenient

The greatest convenience of these types of food is that they are extremely light in weight and easy to move around. They also don’t take up that much of a storage space which makes them the ideal food option when going on a journey for a few days. This food comes in individual packages, and it allows you to mix and combine one coming from different brands which allows you to compare and see which one meets your taste the most.

How Long Do They Last?

The longevity of this type of food can vary from one brand to another, however, on average, they can last around three years or more. Given the fact that the environment can also affect their lifetime, it’s better to keep this food out of direct sunlight in cool and dry temperatures.

Tips for Using Them When Camping

MRE packs on ground

Check Expiration date

Checking the food expiration date before cooking it is of vital importance. Even though they are designed to have a longer shelf life, still checking the dates won’t do any harm, instead, it will only protect you from eating bad food that tastes bad as well.

Pack Extra Packages of Water

Even though this food doesn’t require the use of water, still, having some extra for rehydrating the meals and heating it would be awesome That way you won’t risk staying out of water because you haven’t made your calculations right.

Heat It Properly

The greatest advantage of these meals is that they don’t need much time to prepare them. Generally speaking, they require activating the MRE heater by adding only a small amount of water to the heating pouch, placing the meal on its inside and enjoy in your warm and good food within minutes.  

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