Home Decor 101: 7 Stylish Ways to Elevate Your Interior

Besides transforming a property and turning your house into a home, the interior design can enhance the look of your space. This means that choosing the right furniture, accessories or floor solutions can either make or break your home décor game and the way your space looks and feels. So, whether you crave a radical change or you simply want to freshen up its style, there are savvy ways to elevate your interior design and create the home you’ve always dreamed of.

Layer a Rug

area rug
Source: thespruce.com

When narrowing down your floor options, elevate the look of your interior by layering a stylish and durable area rug that is easy to maintain. Besides transforming your space from drab to fab, rugs come with many additional benefits.

If your space has all wood or tile floors, then walking on such hard surfaces can be uncomfortable and cold. But, layering a runner down your hallway or area rug in your living room will make your space feel much comfier and homier.

Still, rugs’ capacity to absorb sound is among its most useful qualities. Therefore, the next item on your list for home décor should be area rugs, especially if you have echoes in your property or feel as though you can hear discussions from room to room. Keep in mind though that your rug will absorb sound and reduce noise more effectively if it is thicker and fluffier. This goes for all types of sounds; however, voices and loud footsteps are two of the biggest culprits.

On the other hand, not every home has enough natural light to illuminate every room. A light rug will help illuminate and brighten a particularly dark and isolated room in your house, making it seem cosier and more welcoming.

Large area rugs can also be used in your dining room, living room, or bedroom if you go with a darker colour scheme. Recall that you don’t need to use a brilliant white accent carpeting. Try experimenting with light or neutral hues that go well with your interior design.

One of the most important rules of interior decorating is to include a variety of textures within your home. In addition to blankets, pillows, and furniture, floor rugs can work wonders for your texture décor game. Install a variety of carpets with intriguing textures to give your house depth and contrast.

Consider whether or not you want your rug to be the centre of attention before making your purchase. An area rug can make a big statement, especially one with vibrant colours and patterns. Use more subdued patterns and accent colours to decorate the remaining space in the room. Always keep in mind that harmony is essential and that adding too many standout pieces can overpower a room.

Make the Most of Your Entryway

The entrance to your home is the first area that guests will experience and it’s somewhere you’ll pass through multiple times a day. It should therefore take centre stage in your home design plans. You only have one chance to create a first impression, and your home’s entryway determines the overall style of the interior.

Pick a colour scheme that communicates your desire to be welcomed and cared for as soon as you cross the threshold. Don’t forget to take the space’s functionality into account while designing the interior. For instance, you can improve the hallway décor and add sitting and storage with a stylish bench.

Avoid Overcrowding

It can be difficult not to make an impulsive buy when you see items that are necessities or when you fall in love with a decorative addition. However, avoid packing rooms with too many furniture items, even though changing out artwork or accent pieces regularly can help maintain a feeling of freshness in your home’s interior design.

A room may appear smaller than it is, and the impact of statement items may be lessened if there is an excessive amount of furniture in it. Additionally, the functionality of your home may be impacted if there is insufficient room for people to move about furniture or unwind comfortably. You may prevent cramped rooms and maximise the use of each piece of furniture by leaving at least 45 centimetres between pieces.

The Rule of Three

home decor
Source: welshdesignstudio.com

The “rule of three” can be a simple approach to create a powerful visual effect when arranging a place. The optimal quantity of pillows, vases, candles, and decorative items is three. In general, odd numbers of elements make them more visually appealing and fascinating.

Use the rule of three to display items to their best advantage whether you’re dressing a bedside table in your bedroom, arranging a tablescape before a dinner party, or styling a sofa in your living room. No matter what area of your house you’re in, you may make sure your styling is captivating and engaging by shunning symmetry.

Separation in Open Plan Spaces

Living with an open floor plan may maximise your home’s square footage and boost versatility, enabling you to design a room that is specifically tailored to your needs. However, if they aren’t properly decorated, vast open-plan areas might lack personality or vibe. Open-plan areas might benefit from the separation created by applying interior design guidelines.

For example, you can use big area rugs for your living room, dining room, and any other space to zone off those areas and anchor your furniture. The rugs help to set clear boundaries and transform one big room into a distinct living area. You can also pick different colours for the walls.

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